Prethodni Slijedeći

When cells from lymphoid families start to grow up, they move to other organs of the body, including the thymus gland, lymph nodes, and other tissues. Malignant change in these mature cells and their uncontrolled multiplication resulting disease related to leukemia, malignant lymphoma (malignant lymphoma). 

Lymphomas, in contrast to leukemias, belong to the category of solid tumors, ie. Limited to the tissue. Lymphoma may develop slowly or can be aggressive. 

We split it into two basic and very different groups: 

Hodgkin's disease (Hodgkin's disease) and 
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma). 
Special types of lymphoid malignancies of refers to the mature form of B lymphocytes, antibody producing cells, called plasma cells. This disease is called multiple myeloma (multiple myeloma).

Diagnosis Hogdkinove disease 

Be sure to see your doctor if any of these symptoms occur more than two weeks: painless swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, groin or armpit, fever, fatigue, weight loss and itchy skin. If there are symptoms, the doctor will carefully check the presence of swelling in the neck, groin and armpits.

If there is a person to abnormalities of the lymph nodes, one of the nodes are surgically removed in order to confirm the diagnosis. Lymph node is sent to the laboratory for analysis, which determines the shape and gives the diagnosis of lymphoma. Conducted other tests -CT thorax, abdomen and pelvis, bone marrow puncture, bone biopsies and blood tests - to determine the degree to which the disease is located. 

Forecasts for the recovery and treatment depend on the degree of spread of lymphoma (whether it is localized or metastatic), size nateknutog areas, the results of blood tests, type simtpoma and the patient's age, sex and general health status. 

What are the possible treatments? 

The treatment is an option for people suffering from Hodgkin's disease. Here are two possible forms of treatment: 

Radiation therapy (treatment of radioactive radiation that destroys tumor cells or preventing them from sharing) 
Chemotherapy (treatment of chemical substances of natural or synthetic origin - anti-cancer drugs, medications or citotoksičnmi


Mainstay of treatment is chemotherapy, but often used a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Independent radiotherapy is used only in patients who were diagnosed with early-stage Hodgkin's disease. 

Radiotherapy treats high intensity X-ray radiation that destroys tumor cells or preventing them from sharing. In the case of Hodgkin's disease, radiotherapy is carried out by external radiation. 

The form of radiation with local radiation includes the lymph nodes in the upper abdomen, spleen and pelvis called the complete lymph node irradiation. Radiation therapy, such treatment may be used alone, and can be combined with chemotherapy. 

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Chemotherapy drugs can be administered orally, by injection into a muscle or a vein. 

Recurrence of Hodgkin's disease 
Treatment and success of the treatment depends on the recurrence (recurrence), treatment that is applied in the past and the health of the patient. 

If the first occurrence of disease applied radiotherapy, but not chemotherapy, the disease can be re-administered chemotherapy. If done before the chemotherapy (without radiotherapy), and the tumor is only returned to the lymph nodes, applies radiation lymph nodes with or without chemotherapy. If the disease back in more parts of the body simultaneously, the patient is referred to chemotherapy. In some centers conduct clinical studies involving treatment with high doses kemoterapje in combination with bone marrow transplantation or peripheral blood stem cells. 
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 

Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin's NHL) represents a tumor that arises by the malignant transformation of cells of lymphocytic lines. Understanding the NHL last decade greatly improved with the new, all successful treatments changed the prognosis of patients with this disease. 

Entitled non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, involves more than 30 types of lymphoma, which differ according to the type of cell in which they are incurred, growth rate, sensitivity to treatment and prognosis. According malignancy that. Growth rate can be divided into non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of low, medium and high-grade malignancy. 

Lymphomas of low-grade malignancy 

Lymphomas of low-grade malignancy characterized by slower growth and advancement, which is why patients are usually observed when the disease is already advanced. Lymphomas of low-grade malignancy also called indolent lymphomas. 

The best known representatives of this group are follicular lymphoma and small lymphocytic lymphoma (or chronic lymphocytic leukemia). In some slow growing form of indolent lymphoma, depending on the judgment of the physician, treatment should not be initiated immediately after diagnosis. Instead, the patient is examined regularly, and treatment is started when the signs of the progression (progression) of disease. However, the cure rate for indolent NHL is usually not possible. Instead, treatment of a patient is introduced into remission, a state characterized by the disappearance of the symptoms and signs of cancer in the blood or bone marrow. Remission can be complete when the available diagnostic methods can not detect signs of disease or partial (partial) when there are signs of the disease, but the patient has no symptoms and live nearly normal lives. After remission, which may last several years, the disease usually returns, observed diagnostic methods or reappearance of symptoms. Such a situation is called a relapse and it always requires treatment. 

Lymphomas of high-grade malignancy 

Lymphomas of high-grade malignancy grow very quickly, which is why very quickly produce symptoms. That is why it is often detected in its early stages, when the disease has not progressed. Lymphomas of high-grade malignancy even called aggressive lymphomas. 

The best known representatives of this group are diffuse and anaplastic large cell lymphoma of B-lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma, and lymphoblastic lymphoma. Without treatment, aggressive lymphomas would very quickly lead to death, so the treatment must be started immediately after the diagnosis. Since these lymphomas are usually very well to treatment, treatment may be achieved not only long-term remission, but cured. 

Middle grade malignant lymphomas 

Middle grade malignant lymphomas at the speed of growth and malignancy between the two groups described above. 

Non-Hodgkin's (Non-Hodgkin's) lymphoma - it is important to remember: 

determination of the type of lymphoma is important because it depends on future treatment 
lymphomas of low-grade malignancy (indolent lymphoma) are slow-growing, late create symptoms and are diagnosed when the disease has progressed 
lymphomas of high-grade malignancy (aggressive lymphomas) grow quickly and produce symptoms which are detected at an early stage 
indolent lymphoma usually can not be cured, but it is possible to achieve long-term remission 
aggressive lymphomas usually respond well to treatment, and it is possible to cure 
The low degree of malignancy: 

Small lymphocytic (diffuse, well-differentiated lymphocytic) LYMPHOMA 
A low degree of malignancy. In most patients, treatment is not necessary for the first 3-4 years. Medium is survival after diagnosis: 8-10 years. 

Follicular, predominatly small cleaved cells (nodular poorly differentiated lymphocytic) LYMPHOMA 
A low degree of malignancy. This lymphoma is very common in this group of diseases and accounts for over half of all cases of non-Hodgkin's disease. Patients have increased, painless lymph nodes that are present for a long time and increase and decrease. In some patients find a tumor mass in the abdominal cavity. Although patients as a sign of disease state only increase the nodes, tests are usually found spread disease - in 80% of patients affected by the liver, spleen and bone marrow. The course of the disease is very different. Most patients do not need any treatment in the first three years of the disease. In patients with I and II stage limited extent, radiation limited areas of the body of a sick healed, and some leading to a long period without symptoms. In patients with a higher prevalence of the disease after a while markedly dilated, and the first sign of the rapid growth of the lymph nodes. The pain caused by the rapid growth of the affected organs are reduced after the administration of chemotherapy (anti-cancer drugs - cytostatics). It is necessary to re-do a biopsy of the node because it is at this stage in 60% of patients to transition to a more aggressive type of the disease. The transition to a more aggressive type of the disease is associated with a worse outcome and poorer response to treatment. 
Use of chemotherapy 40-70% of patients heal and phase without signs of the disease can last for 2-3 years. 
Patients with follicular lymphoma survive long after diagnosis: Median survival of patients with stage III or IV prevalence is 7-9 years. 

Follicular, small cleaved and large cells (nodular mixed) 
This type of lymphoma has features in common with the other two types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma low grade malignancy. A low degree of malignancy. Patients with enlarged lymph nodes often have a tumor mass in the abdomen. Good success in the treatment recommendations are to begin treatment immediately after diagnosis of the disease. 

Middle grade malignancy: 

Follicular GENERALLY large cell (nodular histiocytic) 
Build the affected lymph node is preserved. Less commonly affects the bone marrow and liver, but often report large tumor mass in the body and spread beyond the lymph nodes. At a later stage of the disease is possible transition to a more aggressive subtype of the disease and therefore need treatment to start on time. The experience of chemotherapy treatments are very encouraging. 

DIFFUSE MIXED large cell (diffuse mixed) 
This is a subtype of lymphoma medium degree of malignancy, and their behavior is similar to diffuse large cell. It is treated with aggressive chemotherapy. The success of treatment varies with each patient. 

The high degree of malignancy: 

Lymphoblastic lymphoma (DIFFUSE lymphoblastic) 
The most common subtype of non-Hodgkin's disease, which occurs in children. Patients are usually men younger age, and symptoms are enlargement of the lymph nodes and large tumor mass in the chest. This is the most common tumor mass greater than 10 cm in diameter and causes a lot of noise due to pressure on the large blood vessels, heart and respiratory system. At the time of diagnosis the majority of patients with stage III or IV spread of the disease, and about half have symptoms. Patients in diagnosing diseases generally have torn the bone marrow, but later spread the disease in 60% of patients indicating so. leukaemic phase and is then difficult to distinguish this lymphoma, acute leukemia. Involvement of the bone marrow is usually an introduction to the abstraction of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord and their nerves). The disease is treated with aggressive chemotherapy. 

Burkitt's lymphoma 

Burkitt's lymphoma is usually detected in children or in adults up to 35 years. There are two main forms of the disease: African (endemic) type is gripping jaws to spread to the meninges and bone marrow, and the American (non-endemic) tumor mass in the abdominal cavity and spreading in the skin, bone and lymph nodes. It is treated with aggressive chemotherapy.

Ljubav na djelu 2014-08-21


When cells from lymphoid families start to grow up, they move to other organs of the body, including the thymus gland, lymph nodes and other tissues. Malignant change in these mature cells and their uncontrolled multiplication resulting disease related to leukemia, malignant lymphoma (malignant lymphoma).

Lymphomas, in contrast to leukemia, belong to the category of solid tumors, that are restricted to the tissue. Lymphoma can develop slowly or be aggressive.

We split it into two basic, and very different groups:

  • Hodgkin's disease (Hodgkin's disease) and
  • non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma).

A special type of lymphoid malignancy refers to the mature form of B lymphocytes, antibody producing cells, and are called plasma cells. This disease is called multiple myeloma (multiple myeloma).

Diagnosis of the disease Hogdkin's diseas:

Be sure to see your doctor if the following symptoms occur more than two weeks : painless swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck , groin or armpits , fever , fatigue , weight loss and itchy skin . If there are symptoms , the doctor will carefully check the existence of a swelling in the neck , groin and armpits .
If a person has to pathological changes in the lymph nodes , one of the nodes are surgically removed in order to confirm the diagnosis . Lymph node is sent to a laboratory for analysis , which determines the shape and gives a diagnosis of lymphoma . Carried out other tests - CT of the chest , abdomen and pelvis , bone marrow puncture , bone biopsy and blood tests - to determine to what degree the disease is .
Forecasts for the recovery and treatment depend on the degree of spread of lymphoma ( whether it is localized or metastatic ) , size of swell areas , the results of blood tests , the symptoms type and patient age, gender and general health.
What are the possible treatments?

The treatment is an option for people suffering from Hodgkin's disease. Here are two possible forms of treatment:

  • Radiation therapy (treatment of radioactive radiation that destroys tumor cells or preventing them from sharing)
  • Chemotherapy (treatment of chemical substances of natural or synthetic origin - anti-cancer drugs, cytotoxic drugs or cytostatic
  • Mainstay of treatment is chemotherapy , but often uses a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy . Independent radiotherapy is used only in patients who were diagnosed with early -stage Hodgkin's disease .
  • Radiotherapy treats high intensity X-ray radiation that destroys tumor cells or preventing them from sharing . In the case of Hodgkin's disease radiotherapy is carried out by external radiation .
  • The form of radiation with local radiation includes the lymph nodes in the upper abdomen , spleen and pelvis is called a complete lymph node irradiation . Radiation therapy , such treatment may be used alone , and may be combined with chemotherapy .
  • Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors . Chemotherapy drugs can be administered orally , by injection into a muscle or a vein .
  • Recurrence of Hodgkin's disease
  • Treatment and success of treatment depends on the location of disease recurrence                  

 ( relapse), treatment that is applied in the past and the health of the patient .

If the first occurrence of disease applied radiotherapy, but not chemotherapy, the disease can be re-administered chemotherapy. If this is more of chemotherapy (without radiotherapy), and the tumor is only returned to the lymph nodes, applies radiation of the lymph nodes, with or without chemotherapy. If the disease returns in more parts of the body simultaneously, the patient is referred to chemotherapy. In some centers conduct clinical studies involving treatment with high doses chemotherapy in combination with bone marrow transplantation or peripheral blood stem cells.

Non- Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Non - Hodgkin's lymphoma ( non - Hodgkin , NHL ) is a tumor that arises malignant transformation lymphocyte cell line . Understanding the NHL last decade greatly improved with the new , all successful ways of treating changing prognosis of patients with this disease .
Entitled non - Hodgkin's lymphoma , involves more than 30 types of lymphoma , which differ by the type of cell in which they are incurred , growth rate, sensitivity to treatment and prognosis
According to malignancy -  growth rate can be divided into non - Hodgkin's lymphoma of low, medium and high-grade malignancy .

Lymphomas low grade malignancy
Lymphomas of low grade malignancy characterized by slower growth and progress , causing patient symptoms usually noticed when the disease is already advanced. Lymphomas low grade malignancy are also called indolent lymphomas .
The best known representatives of this group are follicular lymphoma and small lymphocytic lymphoma ( or chronic lymphocytic leukemia ) . With some slow growing form of indolent lymphoma , depending on the judgment of the physician , treatment cannot be started immediately after diagnosis . Instead, patients are regularly reviewed , and treatment is started when the signs of the progression ( progression ) of the disease . However , healing in indolent NHL is usually not possible . Instead , treatment of the patient is introduced into remission , a state characterized by the disappearance of the symptoms and signs of cancer in the blood or bone marrow . Remission can be complete when the available diagnostic methods cannot detect signs of disease or partial ( partial ) when there are signs of the disease , but the patient has no symptoms and live almost normal lives . After remission , which may last for several years , the disease usually returns , observed diagnostic methods or reappearance of symptoms . Such a condition is called relapsing and it always requires treatment .
Lymphomas of high grade malignancy

High-grade malignant lymphomas grow very quickly , which is why very quickly produce symptoms . That is why it is often detected in early stages , when the disease has not progressed . Lymphomas of high grade malignancy has called aggressive lymphomas .

The best-known representatives of this group are diffuse and anaplastic large cell lymphoma of B - lymphoma and lymphoblastic lymphoma . Without treatment , aggressive lymphomas would very quickly lead to death , so the treatment must be started immediately after the diagnosis . Since these lymphomas usually respond very well to treatment , the treatment can be achieved not only long-term remission , but cure .

Medium- grade malignant lymphomas

Medium- grade malignant lymphomas at the speed of growth and malignancy between the two groups described above .

Non- Hodgkin's ( Non - Hodgkin's ) lymphoma - important to remember :

  • determination of the type of lymphoma is important because it depends on future treatment
  • low grade malignant lymphomas ( indolent lymphoma ) slow growth , late create symptoms and are diagnosed when the disease is advanced
  • high grade malignant lymphoma ( aggressive lymphomas ) grow quickly and produce symptoms which are detected at an early stage
  • indolent lymphoma usually cannot be cured , but it is possible to achieve long-term remission
  • aggressive lymphomas usually respond well to treatment , and it is possible to cure


The low degree of malignancy:
Small lymphocytic (diffuse, well-differentiated lymphocytic) LYMPHOMA
A low degree of malignancy. The majority of patients did not require treatment through the first 3-4 years. Mean survival after diagnosis: 8-10 years.
Follicular GENERALLY small cleaved cells ( nodular poorly differentiated lymphocytic ) LYMPHOMA

A low degree of malignancy . This lymphoma is very common in this group of diseases and accounts for over half of all cases of non - Hodgkin's disease . Patients have increased , painless lymph nodes that are present for a long time and can increase and decrease . In some patients find a tumor in the abdominal cavity . Although patients as a sign of disease state only increase nodes , tests are usually found spread disease - in 80 % of patients affected by the liver, spleen and bone marrow . The course of the disease is very different . Most patients do not need any treatment in the first three years of the disease . In patients with limited I and II stage at diagnosis, radiation limited areas of the body heal some patients , and some leading to prolonged periods without symptoms . In patients with a higher prevalence of the disease after a while markedly dilated, and the first sign of the rapid growth of the lymph nodes . The pain caused by the rapid growth of the affected organs are reduced after administration of chemotherapy ( anti- cancer drugs - cytostatic ) . It is necessary to re- node biopsy because at this stage in 60% of patients possible transition to a more aggressive type of the disease . The transition to a more aggressive type of the disease is associated with a worse outcome of disease and poorer response to treatment .
The application of chemotherapy , 40-70 % of patients can heal and phase without signs of disease can last 2-3 years.
Patients with follicular lymphoma survive long after diagnosis : Median survival of patients with stage III or IV spread is 7-9 years .

Follicular, mixed small cleaved and large cell (nodular MIXED)
This type of lymphoma has features in common with the other two types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma low grade malignancy. A low degree of malignancy. Patients with enlarged lymph nodes often have a tumor in her stomach. Good success in the treatment recommendations are to begin treatment immediately after diagnosis of the disease.
Middle grade malignancy:

Follicular GENERALLY large cell (nodular histiocytoma)
Build the affected lymph node is preserved. Less commonly affects the bone marrow and liver, but often report large tumor mass in the body and spread beyond the lymph nodes. At a later stage of the disease can cross the aggressive subtype of the disease and therefore it is necessary to start treatment on time. The experiences of treatment with chemotherapy are very encouraging.
DIFFUSE MIXED large cell (diffuse MIXED)
This is a subtype of lymphoma intermediate degree of malignancy, and if their behavior is similar to diffuse large cell lymphoma. It is treated with aggressive chemotherapy. The success of treatment varies with the individual patient.

The high degree of malignancy :

Lymphoblastic lymphoma ( lymphoblastic DIFFUSE )
Is the most common subtype of non - Hodgkin's disease , which occurs in children . Patients are usually men younger age , and the symptoms are enlargement of the lymph nodes and large tumor masses in the chest . This is the most common tumor mass greater than 10 cm in diameter and causing numerous disturbances due to pressure on the large blood vessels , heart and respiratory system . At the time of diagnosis the majority of patients with stage III or IV disease spread , and about half have symptoms . Patients in diagnosing diseases generally have affected the bone marrow , but later spread the disease in 60 % of patients indicating so . leukaemic phase and is then difficult to distinguish this lymphoma, acute leukemia . Involvement of the bone marrow is usually an introduction to the abstraction of the central nervous system ( brain, spinal cord and its nerves ) . The disease is treated with aggressive chemotherapy .

Burkitt's lymphoma
Burkitt's lymphoma is predominantly occurs in children or in adults up to 35 year of life . There are two main forms of the disease : African ( endemic ) type is gripping jaws to spread to the meninges and bone marrow , and the American ( non-endemic ) tumor mass in the abdominal cavity and spreading in the skin , bone and lymph nodes . It is treated with aggressive chemotherapy .


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