Prethodni Slijedeći
Central venus catheter
Central venous catheter 

A central venous catheter is a thin flexible plastic tube which is introduced into a large vein (usually below the collarbone, and sometimes in the neck). This procedure is done under general anesthesia. The surgeon cut into little vein in the hole pulls the catheter until its tip enters into one of two large vein near the heart. The other end of the tube is then slipped under the skin (so-called. "Tunneling") and sticks out in the wall of the chest. 

The free opening of the tube was sealed outskirts closing device is capable of removing and returning, as a blood sampling and drug delivery. The tube (catheter) can stay like this for months, and sometimes more than a year. 

Built-in open 

There catheters whose free end is not pulled out. Instead, they end up in the tank or the outlet which is fitted under the skin (usually near the collarbone). To ensure that patients take blood samples or give chemotherapy, so that the openings through the skin stuffed thin needle. For this purpose, the skin over the opening smeared with anesthetic cream. This procedure is done for about half an hour prior to use apertures. 

Peripheral introduction of a central venous catheter (PICC) 

Your doctor may decide to give your child a long, thin tube is introduced into potpazušnu vein. In such cases we are talking about peripherally introduced central venous catheter (PICC). The procedure, which is also done under local or general anesthesia, will tell you doctor or nurse giving kemoteerapiju. When set, the PICC tape attached to the patient's arm to prevent his getting out of the vessel. The catheter may remain so for several months. 

As in the case of central venous catheters, PICC makes it possible for your child can take blood samples and administered chemotherapy, and it is therefore not necessary to poke needles. The child is safe to bathe and shower, although you have to be careful not to wet the area around the catheter so it's best to protect it waterproof plastic. As for the daily life of your child, constraints are indeed few. At the moment it comes out of the hospital, you have to know how to nurture the patient which is embedded central venous catheter. If, however, problems occur, contact your departmental staff for help and advice. 

Benefits venous catheter and possible problems 

Central catheter can stand in a blood vessel for several months and it's a great way to avoid the discomfort caused by frequent injections. However, there are three possible problems: falling catheter, its blockage or infection. 

Eliminated catheter 

Sometimes it happens that the catheter falls out of the blood vessels because it child accidentally pulled in a dream or during the game. But if that happens, the blood coagulates quickly enough to stop the opening of the vascular wall. The hospital staff will tell you that in this case you have to do. 

Blockage of the catheter 

Occasionally you can do that catheter clogged. This occurs if its tip under awkward angle to the vascular wall. The catheter can clog despite regular washes. If this happens, the catheter can be injected medication to dissolve the clot, which will again make the catheter terrain. If necessary, your child can be done lineogram (a special type of recording, which is done in the hospital under anesthesia, which determines the exact position of the catheter). 


Despite the loving care of the catheter can infect. In this case the child will be given antibiotics if the infection is not withdrawn, the catheter will likely need to be removed. 

How to deal with a central catheter 

Before your child leaves the hospital, nurses will show you how to maintain a central catheter. Make sure you understand everything and do not hesitate to ask questions. If after returning home with the catheter being a problem, please contact the hospital staff for help and advice.

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