Prethodni Slijedeći
Tumors of the central nervous system
Ljubav na djelu 2014-08-21

Tumors of the central nervous system

Tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) are the most common solid tumors in children; according to frequency of occurrence of malignancies are in second place just behind leukemia (20% of all malignant diseases of children). 1,000,000 children under 15 - the age of diagnosed annually approximately 35 cases of brain tumors. The most commonly occur between 3 and 7 years of age. Most brain tumors (60-70%) is derived from glial cells and do not tend to metastasize outside the CNS; most are located infratentorial.  "Supratentorial" tumors - and tumors  Hemispheral midline while "infratentorial" - tumors of the brainstem, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata and cerebellum.

Tumors of the central nervous system, each of neoplasms in the skull which develops in nerve tissue and blood vessels of the brain, meninges (meningioma), intracranial (within the skull) parts of the brain nerve, embryonic defects, pituitary gland, pineal gland, the inner surface of the skull, which has progressively increasing the flow and its growth destroys, it replaces or suppresses brain tissue and earlier or later leads to increased intracranial pressure. Tumors of the central nervous system are distinct and heterogeneous group of neoplasms. Their characteristics of the different levels in tumors compared to other organ systems. Difference between benign and malignant tumors was less pronounced than in other tumor systems, and the benign tumors can lead to death or severe neurological disorder.
According to their localization in the central nervous system tumors are divided into:

a) supratentorijske tumors
b) infratentorijske tumors
c) tumors of the spinal canal.
Tumors of the central nervous system leading to general and focal signs. General signs occur due to an increase in intracranial pressure (= pressure inside the skull), while the focal arise because of direct pressure or infiltration of tumor tissue in the appropriate area of ​​the central nervous system.


Among the common signs of the disease commonly referred to headache, vomiting and changes in the back of the eye in terms of the so-called Brake papilla.

Headache in brain tumors can arise due to pressure or strain on pain-sensitive structures (dura mater, venous sinuses, arteries at the base of the brain or brain nerves that transmit pain sensation). It occurs earlier in tumors in the posterior cranial fossa, often pulsating or "burning", gradually increases, the most pronounced early in the morning, sometimes occurs at night. Usually increases in activities that increase pressure within the skull: the physical effort, coughing, sneezing, straining at stool, coitus (intercourse).

Changes to the back of the eye, called stagnans papillae, are due to delays in the veins on the back of the eye caused by increased pressure within the skull. They occur very early in cases of tumor of the cerebellum, but can also occur for other reasons.

Vomiting with a brain tumor usually occurs in the morning, suddenly appearances in port, without nausea. It occurs in 50 percent of cases of brain tumors.

In addition to these three general signs of brain tumor, a common symptom that indicates an increased pressure within the skull is some form of epileptic seizure that occurs for the first time in my life (the sudden loss of consciousness with writhing limbs, foam at the mouth, biting the tongue or spontaneous urination, or narrowing of consciousness with cramps one hand or hands and feet unilaterally and spasms of the facial muscles).
Many patients complain of insecurity and loss of balance, dizziness, impaired intellectual function (mean slight infatuation, emotional numbness, signs of slowing intellectual function, forgetfulness, slowness, disturbance of abstract thinking, drowsiness, depression), signs of impaired consciousness (from somnolence to coma) and disorders of the autonomic functions (disturbance pulse, blood pressure, breathing rate and regularity).

Focal signs are a sign of functional disorders in an individual area of ​​the central nervous system, which helps in the localization process.

Mjesto tumora     Znakovi bolesti
Čeoni režanj promjene karaktera
promjene ponašanja
Frontalni oštećenje intelekta
poremećaj motoričkih funkcija na suprotnoj strani tijela
problemi s govorom i razumijevanjem
  pojava patoloških neuroloških refleksa
Sljepoočni režanj Ispadi u vidnom polju
Njušne i slušne halucinacije
Temporalni Gubitak kratkotrajnog pamčenja
  Zaboravijanje riječi
Tjemeni režanj Gubitak osjeta
Parietalni Nesposobnost prepoznavanja i shvaćanja vizualnih, taktilnih i slušnih sadržaja koji su prethodno bili poznati (agnozija)
Gubitak sposobnosti da se izvedu namjerne ili nenamjerne kretnje (apraksija)
  Problemi s čitanjem i pisanjem
Zatiljni režanj Gubitak vida
Ne prepoznavanje boja
Okcipitalni Vidne halucinacije
Mali mozak Gubitak koordinacije
Ne kontrolirani pokreti očiju
(Cerebellum) Mučnina
Moždano deblo Loša koordinacija pokreta
Znaci paralize moždanih živaca (hemipareza)
Teškoće s gutanjem
Leđna moždina Bolovi u ledima
Mišićna slabost u određenim dijelovima tijela
Gubitak osjeta u rukama ili nogama
Poremećaj hoda
  Disfunkcija mokraćnog mjehura ili zadnjeg crijeva
Hipofiza Poremećaj menstruacijskog ciklusa
Neplodnost kao poremećaj hormonske ravnoteže
Povećanje tjelesne težine
Povećanje krvnoga tlaka
  Promjene raspoloženja
Moždane ovojnice Glavobolje
Problemi s vidom
Poremećaj kretnji

Udruga roditelja djece oboljele od malignih bolesti
Prilaz Đure Deželića 31, Zagreb
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