Prethodni Slijedeći
Today, many hospitals in the west combine homeopathy and allopathic (school) medicine, along with chiropractic, acupuncture and phytotherapy, for the benefit of the patient. Homeopathy aims to help the patient and therefore excludes everything that could lead to this goal. 
Homeopathy is an effective system of treatment that seeks to stimulate the sick person's own natural tendency of the body's self-healing small quantities of substances of natural origin. 

Homeopathy is recognized by almost all over the world. According to WHO (World Health Organization) homeopathy is the number of its users another method of treatment in the world, behind traditional Chinese medicine, phytotherapy third and fourth allopathic medicine.
Homeopathy is recognized by almost all over the world. According to WHO (World Health Organization) homeopathy is the number of its users another method of treatment in the world, behind traditional Chinese medicine, phytotherapy third and fourth allopathic medicine.

The best effects are achieved in combination with allopathic (ie. Schoolyard) medicine, which is why more and more hospitals in developed countries where working together allopaths and homeopaths. Specifically, orthodox medicine attempts to find the cause of disease and destroy it, and homeopathy works on strengthening the body (specifically for each organism) and thus helps the organism to get rid of pathogens. That is why, especially in severe stages of the disease, it is necessary to combine one or another method. Tests have shown that seriously ill patients recover much faster if treated in combination. 

The goal is to help the patient. It is almost impossible to list all the diseases for which homeopathy helps, but let me mention those for which patients often occurs: cold, flu, allergies, headaches, digestive system, heart and circulatory problems, rheumatic diseases, problems with the spine, neurosis, stress, etc. . Due to its nontoxicity is suitable for children and infants from an early age. In mild disease may only want homeopathic treatment, but in severe disease have the best results in combination with allopathic (conventional) treatment. That is why many hospitals in the west and combine one or another therapy along with chiropractic, acupuncture and phytotherapy, for the benefit of the patient. Homeopathy aims to help the patient and therefore excludes everything that could lead to this goal. 
It is important to point out that homeopathy does not treat the disease but the whole person. Both physical and mental and emotional state, it is important to find the right mixture.

Homeopathy could be divided into classical and combined. Classical homeopathy after a detailed medical history taken, which are particularly important subjective feelings and experiences diseases, prescribes only one so-called homeopathic. constitutively preparation, while combined homeopathy uses more agents along a single composition which can be combined for diagnosis and simple to samopropisivanje and laity. If such combination preparations do not help, you need to contact the registered homeopath who will determine the right mixture. It is important to mention the anthroposophic medicine that uses 2-5 homeopathic preparations in a single composition, but to prescribe the necessary expertise, so it is not recommended to lay them on their own initiative take. All of these directions in homeopathy have success. 

It is important to point out that homeopathy does not treat the disease but the whole person. Both physical and mental and emotional state, it is important to find the right mixture. 

Here is a list of registered Homeopaths in Croatia. homeopath

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