Prethodni Slijedeći
Rak Jetre
Ljubav na djelu 2014-08-21

Liver cancer
Primary liver cancer begins in the hepatocytes (liver cells). This type of cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma or malignant hepatoma. Children can develop hepatocellular carcinoma or hepatoblastoma.

When liver cancer spreads (metastasizes) outside the liver, cancer cells tend to spread to nearby lymph nodes, bones and lungs. When this happens, the new tumor has the same kind of abnormal cells as the primary tumor in the liver. For example, if the liver cancer spread to the bones, the cancer cells in the bones are actually liver cancer cells. The disease is metastatic liver cancer, not bone cancer. Treated as liver cancer, not bone cancer as well.

Similarly, cancer that has spread from other organs to the liver is different from primary liver cancer.  In liver cancer cells, in this case, as in the original tumor cells.  When cancer cells spread to other organs (colon, lung or breast) on the liver, doctors may call the tumor in the liver secondary tumor. In the U.S., the secondary liver tumors are more common than primary tumors.

Liver cancer is sometimes called a silent disease because in the early stages often has no symptoms, but can progress to cancer the following symptoms:

· Pain in the upper abdomen on the right side. The pain may spread to the back and shoulders.
· Swollen abdomen (bloating)
· Weight loss
· Loss of appetite and feelings of fullness
· Weakened or feeling tired
· Dizziness and vomiting
· Yellow skin and eyes, and dark urine from jaundice
· Fever
The above symptoms are a sure sign of liver cancer. Other liver diseases and other health problems can also cause symptoms. The person with the above symptoms should see a doctor. Only a doctor can diagnose and treat disease.

If the patient shows symptoms listed liver cancer doctor may perform one or more tests:

· Physical examination - the doctor palpating the abdomen to check, that is, found lumps or changes in the size of the liver, spleen and other organs. The doctor also checks for the presence of ascites (abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen). The doctor can examine your skin and eyes for signs of jaundice.
· Blood tests
· CT
· Ultrasound
· Angiogram
· Biopsy

Stage liver cancer:

If you are diagnosed with liver cancer, the doctor needs to know the stage or extent of the disease to plan the best treatment for the patient. Determining the stage of the disease actually is trying to determine the size of the tumor, whether the disease has spread and if - in which parts of the body, whether the tumor can be removed by surgery.


Many patients with liver cancer want to take an active role in deciding on treatment. They want to learn all they can about their disease and treatment selection. However, shock and stress that patients experience when they hear the diagnosis hinders them thinking about everything you would want to ask the doctor. Often it helps to make a list of questions before meeting with the doctor. How to remember everything the doctor says, patients may take notes or bring a family member.

At the present time the liver cancer can be cured only if it is detected at an early stage (before it spreads) and only if the patient's general health is good enough to withstand surgery. However, aside from surgery, there are other treatments that can help control the disease, help patients feel better and prolong their life.


Localized operable cancer:

Localized operable liver cancer is a cancer that can be removed during the operation, and there is no evidence that the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or other parts of the body, and laboratory tests indicate good liver function.

The surgery which removes part of the liver is called hepatectomy. The extent of surgery depends on the size, number and location of the tumor and how much liver works well. The doctor may remove part of the tissue that contains the tumor, the entire lobe, or a larger portion of the liver.

 When partial hepatectomy surgeon removes the tumor to normal tissue boundaries, which takes over the function of the liver.

In some patients, the options may be a liver transplant. In this procedure, the surgeon removes the entire liver and replaces it with a healthy organ from a donor. Liver transplantation is an option only if the disease has not spread beyond the liver, and only if it can find a suitable donor.

Localized inoperable cancer:

Localized inoperable cancer cannot be removed by surgery, although it has not spread to nearby lymph nodes or other parts of the body.   Operation not possible due to cirrhosis (or other conditions that lead to impaired function of the liver),  localization of the tumor within the liver or other health problems.

Patients with localized unresectable tumors may be suitable for other forms of treatment that seeks to control the disease and prolong life.

Advanced cancer:

Advanced cancer is a cancer that is found in both lobes of the liver, or has spread to other parts of the body. Although advanced cancer cannot be cured some patients receive therapy which seeks to slow the progression of the disease. Other patients, after considering the benefits and harms of therapy decide they do not want treatment.

Treatment of advanced cancer include chemotherapy and / or radiotherapy.

· Chemotherapy - is the use of drugs that kill cancer cells. A patient may receive one drug or combination of drugs.

· Radiation therapy - used high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy is a local therapy, ie, acts on cancer cells that are found in the treated area.

Recurrent cancer:

Recurrent cancer is a disease that comes back after initial treatment. Even when it seems that the cancer in the liver completely removed or destroyed by the disease sometimes returns because undetected cancer cells remained somewhere in the body after treatment.

The cancer most often occurs again in the two years after the treatment.

Udruga roditelja djece oboljele od malignih bolesti
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