Prethodni Slijedeći
Rak Kože
Ljubav na djelu 2014-08-21

Skin Cancer
Over 90% of skin cancers occur on areas of skin that are regularly exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet radiation. Skin cancer that is not malignant (cancerous) generally occurs in areas of the skin that are often exposed to the sun. Malignant skin cancer is most commonly found on the back in men and on the legs in women. Other risk factors include genetic propensity (skin cancer is more common in people with a fair skin, blue or green eyes, blond or red-haired) and excessive exposure to X-rays or other types of radiation. Exposure to arsenic, which may be present in some herbicides is another risk factor for the development of skin cancer.

Pay attention to the following:

- Increases if existing mole or appear new (constantly growing melanomas)
- Whether the mole irregular or indented edge (moles are regular edges)
- Change the color of moles of brown to black, dark blue or red (melanomas change color)
- Unevenness of pigmentation (melanomas can have several colors within one mole)
- Exceeds whether a mole the size of 0.6 cm (most benign moles is less than the above)
- If the mole on or red edge (normal mole is not running)
- If the mole began to rise (in melanoma there is a vertical rise)
- If there is bleeding, wetting or create a crust
- There is a slight itching moles
- Whether the nodule appeared about moles

The most common types of skin cancer:

- Bowen's disease
- Erythroplasia Queart
- Paget's disease
- Basal cell carcinoma (carcinoma basocellulare)
- Squamous cell carcinoma (carcinoma spinocellulare)
- Melanoma (melanoma malign)

Bowen's disease is intraepidermal carcinoma (carcinoma in situ), which has the potential growth of invasive and can be transformed into Bowen's carcinoma.

The clinical picture

Changing slightly raised above the surface, sharply demarcated, size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. Change is usually solitary. It occurs most often in the skin of the trunk, cheeks, forehead and hands. In addition to the skin changes can be found on the mucous membranes (eg, mouth, genitals). At the mucosal changes may have the appearance of leukoplacia. The disease has a progressive course and come up Bowenovog developing cancer, especially in untreated individuals.


The treatment of choice is surgical removal changes

Erythroplasia Queart the changes or intraepithelial carcinoma "in situ" (the change does not penetrate the basement membrane), occurs most commonly on the vulva, foreskin and perianal region (the most frequent localization in the genital organs).

The clinical picture

Change reddish color, the level of the surrounding mucosa, or only slightly elevated. This change can turn into invasive cancer in spinocelular which may indicate stronger uplift of changes over the surrounding mucosa. The prognosis is good unless there was disease progression in spinocelular cancer. To confirm the diagnosis requires histological findings.


The treatment of choice is surgical removal changes

Udruga roditelja djece oboljele od malignih bolesti
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