Prethodni Slijedeći

Saltcave or salt therapy is a therapeutic method that helps in the treatment of respiratory and skin diseases, and is based on inhalation microparticles rock salt and exposure to body dry aerosol salt rocks. The treatment is carried out in the so. salt room that replicates therapy in salt caverns that were conducted in the 19th century in Poland and Russia. 

More than 20 years in Russia halotherapy used in the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract. It is completely natural method that complements the action of other medications, which means that there are no interactions with other medications. 

Saltcave is already accepted in the EU countries, Canada and the United States. In Russia there is a part of the health care system. 

HALOTHERAPY in children. 

The best results of treatment were seen in children. 

The advantages of natural treatment in a salt room in children showed improvements greater than 90%. 

Saltcave in children: 

Relieves allergy problems affecting the ear-nose-throat diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. 
Removes bronchial inflammation. 
It strengthens the immune system and reduces allergic reactions to pollen. 
Helps with dermatitis and psoriasis. 
Helps bronhitičarima and asthma sufferers because one therapy than 20 minutes REPLACES 3 days at sea. 
Saltcave is recommended as an additional method for treating problems with the respiratory system 

It is necessary to consult with your doctor or pediatrician. 

How many treatments are REQUIRED: 

Past experience has shown that each person is an individual for themselves. The optimal number of halotherapy the 16th 

Already after the first treatment are seen significant results. Others can take 8-10 therapy that salt on the mucosa start the cleaning process and after that to a child or adult "cleansed" of what is salt "cleaned up" with mucous membranes. 

It is very important to monitor the response after therapy and notifies the therapist in a salt room in order to achieve a better effect halotherapy. Of course you about their visits to the salt room is important to inform the competent doctor or pediatrician to have the information to visit the salt room during eg. Colds because the reactions specific example. Groan mucus to be expectorated out. 

Why are all the walls are covered with salt? 

Surfaces covered with natural salt because of its natural properties, contribute to the maintenance of temperature and humidity in the room (hygroscopic properties of natural salt of a substance to attract water molecules from the environment through absorption and adsorption). You can get almost completely sterile conditions, but only if a sufficient amount of salt in the area. The mass of salt that covers the surface of sound deadening, which further results in a peaceful environment. 

Natural rock salt creates an atmosphere of peace, security and comfort. It places the person outside the ordinary interior. It also has a positive effect on the nervous system and psycho-somatic and emotional sphere, which contributes to the healing process. It does not matter from which salt surfaces are made​​. An important factor is the ecological purity salt. 


Negative ions carry a positive meaning for our benefit. Why do we feel so good when we walk in the woods, when we are on the beach or near the river, when we breathe fresh air in the mountains, or when you breathe fresh air after rain or storm? Simply put, we feel good to favorable properties of negative ions which are abundant in these environments, and created by nature. 

negative ions 

increases the flow of oxygen to the brain resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy in the body 
due to the increase of oxygen in the blood help in recovery from physical exhaustion and fatigue 
stabilize brain function, and the effect of relaxation and calmness 
help to purify the blood by increasing the levels of calcium and sodium (common salt intake) in the blood 
help restore a healthy pH balance in the blood 
boost metabolism by stimulating the exchange of substances in cells 
strengthen the immune system - a high level of negative ions increases production globulin (protein found largely in the blood plasma) in the blood, resulting in a stronger resistance to disease 
balance the autonomic nervous system 
promote better digestion, alleviating tension in the stomach and intestines, and by promoting the production of digestive enzymes and stimulate cell rejuvenation resurgence of cell metabolism 
negative ions enhance the vitality of muscle tissue and strengthening internal organs 
Aerosol of sodium chloride in salt room. 

Dry aerosol of sodium chloride particles containing 1 to 5 microns. Halogenerator in the salt room creates a microclimate with a specific concentration of salt in the air. Salt concentration is determined by the therapist after the first interview and at each subsequent arrival after a brief review of the symptoms following the first treatment. 

Each person is an individual and it is necessary to monitor the situation at each treatment to achieve the best results of treatment. Symptoms of an aerosol of sodium chloride can cause a tickling in the throat, mild reddening of the skin, dry cough, itchy skin if you have sensitive skin. Each symptom is important for the therapist because according to them is determined by the sequence of further therapy. 

Water and salt. 

Water is the source života.Prirodna healing properties of water has been known for centuries and it has been scientifically proven. 

Water dissolves all minerals, proteins, starch and other water-soluble substances sepomoću blood transmitted through the entire body. Blood serum is almost the same mineral consistency and proportions as sea water. 

Salt or eternal remedy is an important ingredient for the survival of all living creatures, especially humans. Is necessary in the exchange of substances on intracellular level. It is especially important for people with asthma, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Salt is a "cure" used for centuries. In some cultures, salt was worth its weight in gold. 

Natural unrefined crystal salt and sea salt contains about 80 mineral elements that the body needs. Some of these elements are needed in trace amounts. Unrefined crystal salt and sea salt is a better choice than other types of salt on the market. Ordinary table salt that is bought in supermarkets are subtracted elements that natural salt contains, and includes additional elements such as aluminum silicate to keep the salt powdery capacity and porosity. Aluminium is a highly toxic element in our nervous system and is one of the primary causes of Alzheimer's disease. 

Salt itself is not bad for the human organism, it is a very important element in the intercellular exchange and if there are not enough problems arise with healing. The problem is with the type of salt you eat and generally the food we are eating. It's not the same to eat fresh and canned foods. Table salt is no longer original and pure salt, it jeobrađen sodium chloride which had been deprived of much of the original minerals that have always been part of the natural salt. 

Water, salt and potassium together regulate the water content in the body. 

In the plant kingdom, potassium is the one who gives the fruit firmness by holding water in the interior of the fruit. Our daily diet contains sufficient potassium from natural sources of fruits and vegetables, but not salt from natural sources. 

Hidden Wonders of salt: 

It is vital for the production of hydroelectric energy in all cells in the body 
is vital in communication and information processing nerve cells the entire time that the brain cells work from the moment of conception until death 
natural antihistamine 
It is vital for clearing the lungs of mucus 
It is vital for cleaning catarrh and sinus congestion 
It is vital for the normal function of the kidneys 
without sufficient amounts of salt in the body, the body becomes more acidic 
is essential in the treatment of emotional and affective disorders 
It is vital to maintain muscle tone and strength 
lack of bladder control in those who suffer from involuntary leakage of urine may be due to a low sodium diet 
is necessary to prevent muscle spasms 
Salt is a strong "anti-stress" element for the body 
It is vital for absorption of food through the digestive tract 
It is vital for the prevention of gout (a disease that causes swelling of the joints) 
It is vital to prevent excess saliva production (eg. drooling during sleep). 
It is vital for preventing varicose veins 
is most effective in stabilizing irregular heartbeats and misconceptions that cause high blood pressure, it is actually an essential element for the regulation of blood pressure in combination with water

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