Prethodni Slijedeći

Radiation therapy is most often carried out five times a week, for two weeks. Such therapy has the goal of radical - meaning curative effect (destruction of the entire tumor and cure of the disease if it is still localized), although there are deviations from the classical scheme. The main reason for the long duration of treatment (5-6 weeks and more) is the need for treatment planning so that the desired dose is irradiated tumor, but at the same time to minimize damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The tumor is his nature material more sensitive to radiation than surrounding healthy tissue and there are at greater damage therapy. But passing through healthy tissue, which can not be avoided (but careful planning is reduced to a minimum), and comes to damage to healthy cells. If we know that healthy tissue is recovering faster than the tumor, it is clear that it is for it to be given a specific time. In this way reduce the unpleasant accompanying phenomena that might otherwise cause the inability to reach the real effective dose. Therefore, radiation therapy lasting and requires patience and full cooperation of the patient. 

During radiation the patient lies still (in some institutions and sitting). The radiation can not hear or see anything, but most often, and does not feel anything. Some patients report that they feel warmth or tingling in the area of ​​the body that radiates, but careful not to be unpleasant feelings. 

The effects of treatment can be expected only after several sessions - as well as reducing pain, bleeding or other earlier discomfort. Control the checks along with any additional X-ray and ultrasound screening during and after treatment, evaluate results achieved. 

Tests of the blood, particularly the value of leukocytes and platelets are very important and it is necessary to perform according to the recommendations, at least once a week to ten days. Radiation in some regions may act in a very large extent on the ability of bone marrow to produce platelets and leukocytes. 

Side effects of radiation can be unpleasant, but with careful and accurate planning and implementation of treatment according to the rules and recommendations, are usually not serious. Usually occur in the second half of the period of treatment and disappear a few weeks after the end of the (early response to radiation). Some patients do not have them, depending on the region of the body which is exposed to radiation of the personal sensitivity to radiotherapy patients. Patient to a greater extent can reduce or mitigate adverse effects. Therefore, there are some general and specific rules that would make patients treated with radiation should hold. 

Advice for Patients 

Side effects of radiation can be unpleasant, but with careful and accurate planning and implementation of treatment according to the rules and recommendations, are usually not serious. Usually occur in the second half of the period of treatment and disappear a few weeks after the end of the (early response to radiation). Some patients do not have them, depending on the region of the body which is exposed to radiation of the personal sensitivity to radiotherapy patients. Patient to a greater extent can reduce or mitigate adverse effects. 

Therefore, there are some general and specific rules that would make patients treated with radiation should hold

· Most people can be during treatment undisturbed go about their daily activities. However, it is necessary to provide enough time for rest, especially sleep. Radiation therapy or chemotherapy draw from your body a lot of energy that you have to catch up. 
· During treatment can be no obstacles to socialize with people. Your body does not contain radioactive substances. You are not hazardous to the environment or even in intimate contact. 
· Be aware of good nutrition. Make sure you get a variety of foods and plenty of fluids. Regularly check your weight and do not let them lose weight during treatment. If you have difficulty with appetite or disturbances in swallowing, ask your oncologist for advice. Alcohol consumption is prohibited during treatment. 
· Do not wash, do not rub marks on the skin until the entire treatment is completed. If plotted marks start to fade or wipe, alerting radiological engineering at the next arrival to treatment. Never attempt to draw unless you are convinced that would otherwise to the next line of therapy completely obliterated. If you draw yourself, warn that before the next treatment. 
· Avoid wearing tight and stiff clothing that tightens over the radiated area. Since the color marking on the skin inexorably erased, leaving marks on clothing, it is recommended to wear old, loose, soft clothing in which you feel comfortable and can it possibly discard after treatment. 

Be especially kind to the skin in the treated area: 

· Wear soft cotton clothing, 
· Do not rub or scratch your skin does not, 
· Do not use soaps, deodorants, medicines, perfumes, cosmetics or other products without a doctor's permission, 
· Never to access treatment if your skin is oily radiated areas of creams or powders; skin prior to radiation must be cleared of all assets, 
· Do not expose the area of ​​skin that radiates extreme heat or cold (electric blankets, ice packs, etc..) even hot water can hurt you, 
· Use only electric shaver if you vibrate the neck, 
· Protect the radiated skin from the sun, the best clothes or, if not possible, by applying a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 and above. 

Make sure your doctor before beginning radiation therapy say that all medications you are taking. Also, during treatment if you have to start taking medication, be sure to inform about their radiotherapists. If you have any questions, need advice or assistance, contact your doctor to radiotherapy, preferably one that is planned and your treatment and control you. Do not listen to "well-meaning" advice that you can often harm; your doctor, radiology technician or nurse who works in the department where you are treated, they can only provide high quality and reliable advice on your treatment. 

There are also special, specific tips for irradiation of certain regions of the body, the patient gets into a conversation with the doctor and staff before and during radiation therapy: 

Head and neck 

It is necessary to pay special attention to oral hygiene. Before treatment should visit the dentist and fix or remove rotten teeth. Clean your teeth (which is mandatory after every meal), use a soft brush and mild paste, and if it bothers you, then you should rub your teeth with gauze wrapped on your finger or pen. Oral cavity should rinse 4-6 times daily tea sage (sage) or solution teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a liter of boiled water. It should take plenty of fluids. Alcohol and hot, acidic or spicy foods are prohibited, as well as smoking. 

Chest and breast 

Here, the rules on the hygiene of the oral cavity and skin. It is extremely important day bring a sufficient amount of fluid. The food that the patient eats should not be rigid, hot or very spicy. Do not smoke and avoid smoky or dusty areas. They must not drink alcohol. The skin is well washed, clean water, and in the case of burning or feeling of swelling (breasts) are allowed packs of lukewarm water. Should wear a cotton vest that raises breast, but do not tighten. Creams may be used only under the advice of doctors. 

Abdomen and pelvic area: 

Particular attention should be paid to diet. It is advisable to eat easily digestible food, without the excess fat and spices, drink plenty of fluids (tea, juices), but mainly between meals. Care should be taken to avoid food that causes cramps or blows, such as beans, cabbage, cauliflower. You should avoid foods with lots of fiber (wheat germ, corn flakes), or one that enhances bowel function (eg. Pears, peaches, grapes, cabbage, sometimes milk and dairy products), especially after two or three weeks of treatment. It should maintain regular hygiene and genitals, watch out for urination and stool. Any inconvenience is well you should immediately consult a doctor.

Udruga roditelja djece oboljele od malignih bolesti
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