Prethodni Slijedeći
The right to work part-time
Ordinance on the conditions and procedure for obtaining the right to work part-time to care for the child who needs greater care and attention (Official Gazette 64/98) lays down the conditions and procedure for acquiring the rights of parents of children who require greater care and attention to work part-time work. 

It is believed that the child after the age of one year of age require increased care in the cases of the following diseases or conditions of the child: 

· TB (all forms of primary and postprimary TB regardless of location) 

· Syphilis and its consequences, 

· Consequences of acute encephalitis various etiology, 

· All types of malignancies, including leukemia, 

· Bronchial asthma and bronchitis astimatiformni, 

· Condition caused atireoidizmom and hypothyroidism, congenital or acquired etiology, 

· Diabetes, 

· Congenital hemolytic anemias, 

· Polycythemia, 

· Hemophilia, 

· Imbecility of all degrees, 

· Cerebral palsy children (all forms) 

· Motor neuron disease and muscular dystrophy, 

· Blindness, 

· Gluhonijemost, 

· Congenital and chronic heart disease, 

· Esophageal stricture after corrosion 

· Liver cirrhosis, 

· Mucoviscidosis, 

· Nephritis with edema and nephrosis, 

· Chronic nephritis, 

· Hydronephrosis, 

· Rheumatoid arthritis and related conditions, 

· Chronic osteomyelitis and periostitis, 

· Congenital and acquired malformations of bones and muscles, 

· Dystrophy - reached Kvestov number or reduction already achieved by the weight of the child for at least 25% 

· Immaturity and underdevelopment, 

· Diseases caused by disorders imunomehanizma, 

· Celiacli syndrome. 


Exceptionally, the medical commission may determine the need for greater concern and care for the child due to the overall health of the child where there are other diseases and conditions that are specified in the Regulations. 

The right to work half-time or three years of age can only be achieved by a parent provided that both parents are employed full-time, and the parent who cares and nurtures a child. 

This right can be exercised, and one working parent, provided that the other parent who is not an employee is unable to because of his psychological and physical condition to provide enhanced care and child care, if the military service, or serving in the reserves, if placed in the custody or serving sentence longer than 30 days, or such rights can be accomplished father while her mother on compulsory leave .

Also, a parent may not exercise this right, while exercising the right to work half-time on other grounds.

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